Privacy and Cookie Policy


Lippitt Fire Protection Ltd. ( is committed to protecting the privacy of all visitors personal information obtained from you during your visits to our website. Our policy explains our use of information and practices, including the choices you can make about the way in which we collect and use your information. It is our aim and legal obligation under (UK) English law to safeguard the security and privacy of all users and visitors of our website.

What Does This Policy Cover?

This Privacy Policy applies only to your use of our website. Our website may contain links to other external websites, we do not have any control or influence over how your data is collected, stored, or used by other websites or organisations. We advise you to check the privacy policies to any such external websites we provide links to, before providing any personal data to them.

How We Collect & Use your Personal Data?

Most parts our website will be available to all users; limited areas will only be accessible to clients, Lippitt Fire Protection employees or authorised users who log in to the site. We process your personal data only for specific and limited purposes, and we request this information only for that data, which is adequate, relevant and not excessive for those purposes to the nature of that request.

If you choose to subscribe to our email notification service, you will be required to provide and to pass on personal data directly through this site. Such personal data you provide us will only be used for the provision services you have requested us to provide you.

Our website will not automatically capture or store personal data from general visitors to the site other than to log the user’s IP address and hostname, this also includes session details such as the duration of the visit, pages visited and the nature of the browser used. This information does not identify you personally; but will be used to help us diagnose problems with our data server, to administer our website, and to compile statistics about our visitors and their use of the site for internal company marketing research purposes.

Use of Cookies

Our website uses ‘cookies’ to help you personalise and improve your online experience. A ‘cookie’ is a small data file that a website may send to your browser and that your browser may then store on your system. Cookies are uniquely assigned to your computer and can only be read by a web server in the domain that issued the cookie to your computer.

How to Reject Cookies

If you do not want to receive cookies, you can usually choose to opt-out by modifying your browser settings to decline them. Alternatively, you can choose to decline the use of cookies using our website when prompted to do so. However, you may not be able to access all or parts of, or to fully experience the interactive features of, our website or pages you visit.

Security and transfers

We cannot provide an absolute guarantee of security for your registration access details on our website; however, where reasonably practically possible, we store all your account and personal information details in a secure environment and employ appropriate technical security measures to protect your personal information and ensure that it is not accessed by unauthorised persons.

Lippitt Fire Protection ltd. will not provide any guarantee that the information you provide to us from outside of the (UK) can or will be transferred or obtained in transit from within countries which do not have similar personal data protection laws in place. Therefore, by browsing this website outside of the (UK), and to include any submission of your personal information for contact purposes; You hereby consent to the conditions and data protection laws that apply within your country of origin.

Users 18 & Under

We do not intend to solicit or collect personal information from anyone under the age of 18. If you are under 18, we request that you do not enter any information on this website or engage our services. If you believe anyone under the age of 18 has entered personal information, please contact us, and we will remove any personal data information provided to us.

Notification of Changes to This Policy

All changes or additions to this privacy policy can be found here, where necessary we will also notify registered account holders by email, using contact information you have provided to us.

© 2020 Lippitt Fire Protection Ltd.