Website Terms & Conditions

Lippitt Fire Protection Ltd. (LFP) is a passive fire protection specialist that supplies Surveying & consultancy services to the construction industry within the (UK) England & Wales. We chose to operate under and with 3rd party certified scheme accredited agents, suppliers and contractors; All trained personnel are suitably qualified and from time to time have their competence independently verified when required to do so. Our website has been created with the intent to showcase our services and promote our business within our business operating sectors.

We also endeavour to help provide a platform for us to demonstrate and advocate fire safety awareness by demonstrating good general practice and offering guidance on our interpretation of legislative information and publications, 3rd party certification schemes and best practice guidance to help those with legal duties and responsibilities under the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 within the UK.

Lippitt Fire Protection Ltd. (LFP) uses its website as a primary form of communication, provision of information and marketing in order to maintain its commercial presence within the construction industry.

The content of this website and the content of any affiliated or externally linked websites provided ‘as is’ and ‘as available’, we will endeavour ensure all links are relevant and active, but we do so without warranties of any kind. All content that can be accessed from linked external or affiliate sites are not maintained by Lippitt Fire Protection and therefore cannot be held responsible for the contents or upkeep of thereof. Any reference to a linked external website or third party by name does not constitute or imply its endorsement by us, and you assume all risk with respect to its use and purposes by Lippitt Fire Protection Ltd. (LFP); And does not accept any liability of any kind arising from any inaccuracy or omission in the information or interruption in availability of content provided by us or our affiliated partners or scheme operators. You are kindly advised to always verify the accuracy of any information provided before relying or acting upon on it.

Lippitt Fire Protection Ltd. (LFP) does not warrant that the materials or information provided on our website will be error free, nor free of viruses, defamatory, offensive, or other harmful matter. However, we will take reasonable steps where practionable, that our website users receive ‘correct’ and ‘concise’ content free from any harmful, factually incorrect or inappropriate matter. The information provided on our website does not necessarily reflect the personal or professional views and opinions of Lippitt Fire Protection Ltd. (LFP) employees, neither should any suggestions, recommendations or advice contained on this website be solely relied upon in place of additional professional or legal advice/consultation given. As an individual you are responsible for checking the accuracy of the provision of information given on; Relevant facts, instructions, guidance, suggestions and/or opinions via this website and employees of Lippitt Fire Protection Ltd. (LFP) before entering into any form of commitment or contract based upon them.

Under no circumstances shall Lippitt Fire Protection Ltd. (LFP), or it’s affiliates, partners, agents and or suppliers be held liable for any damages arising out of the use or inability to use the content in this site or any externally linked sites, even if we are advised in the present or future of the possibility thereof, nor accept for any claim made by any third party. However, nothing in these terms of use of our website shall restrict or exclude any form of liability that we have in obligation to any party which cannot be excluded by (UK) English law. By using our website, you agree to use this site for lawful business and informative purposes only and not in any way that might infringe third party rights or that might bring Lippitt Fire Protection Ltd. (LFP), into disrepute or ridicule. You shall not use the website to disseminate any unsolicited or unauthorised advertising, promotional materials, “junk mail,” “spam,” “chain letters,” “pyramid schemes,” or any other form of solicitation or to disseminate any material that contains software viruses or any other computer code, files or programs designed to interrupt, damage, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software or hardware or telecommunications equipment.

You may not use any of the contact information provided on this site without our consent for marketing purposes to benefit you or others. You agree to defend, indemnify and hold Lippitt Fire Protection Ltd. (LFP), and our affiliates and partners harmless from any claims, losses, damages and expenses arising from your use of our website.

Copyright and Trademark Policy

The copyright and all other rights in the material on this website are owned by us or are included with the permission of the owner of the rights.

As a visitor to this website, you may download or use material on this website for your own private viewing/listening purposes only. Single copies of pages from this website may be printed out for the sole purposes of enabling the person printing the page to retain a copy for their own personal records or ease of viewing. Other than information provided of this website, no copying or distribution of material on this website for any commercial or business use is permitted without our prior written consent. No alteration or modification of the pages of this website is permitted without our prior written consent except as may be reasonably necessary to use the website. Subject to this paragraph, all rights in material on this website are reserved to Lippitt Fire Protection Ltd (LFP) and its contributors.

All trademarks, service marks, and trade names in this site are the marks of the respective owner(s), and any unauthorised use is prohibited without consent of the respective owner(s).

Hyperlink (External Links)

We welcome and encourage any sharing any appropriate form of links to our website’s pages and content within. However, you may only publicly display the contents of our website (or any page from it) where such screenshots or other visuals have been specifically provided by, or following written permission Lippitt Fire Protection Ltd (LFP). External link permission should be sought for acceptance and assessment by Lippitt Fire Protection Ltd (LFP). This is to prevent any inference unwanted affiliation to businesses or acceptance to ownership rights relating to the third-party sites. A written copy of express permission logo usage approval (letter or email accepted), detailing the usage rights of their logo, must be forwarded on to the General Manager for reference purposes. If the logo or illustration is used on the website, written permission has been sought from the third party. A written copy of express permission logo usage approval (an addressed letter or email accepted), detailing the usage rights of our illustrations or logo is required.

Please note that any form of hyperlinks used on our website are given for information or reference purposes only. Lippitt Fire Protection Ltd (LFP) does not take any responsibility or warrant the use of; External links, logo/illustration links and for the quality of service these organisations provide. Lippitt Fire Protection Ltd (LFP) reserves the right to remove any hyperlinks at any time without prior consultation with third parties or website users.

We will never provide external links to websites that include or promote the following:

  • Pornography

  • Terrorism

  • Racism

  • Political or religious views

  • Cultural discrimination

  • Any criminal activity

  • Poor standards or practice

  • Direct Competitors unless addressed as affiliates or partners

Visitors or users are urged to report any such aforementioned content, links or images being displayed by contacting immediately.

Lippitt Fire Protection will never wilfully engage in any political, cultural or religious views. All personal data we may unintentionally obtain relating to religious, cultural or political views will not be collected or submitted for the use of marketing campaigns or internal company use.

Lippitt Fire Protection Ltd. (LFP), reserves the right to vary and alter these Terms of Use from time to time. Such variations may become effective immediately upon the posting of the varied terms of use on our website. By continued use of our website, you will be deemed to accept such variations.
